Monday, May 11, 2015

"Oh, what of that?"

"O, what of that?
 O, what of that?
 What is there left to say?"

So wrote W.B. Yeats in his "Curse of Cromwell"  Curious what ol' W. B. would write of the current situation of the English Parliament.  The victory of the Conservative Party over Labor and the Tories, indicates a tremor which has Scotland thinking of nationalism once again.  Haven't read of reaction from Dublin and Ulster, but there is sure to be some thoughts of crossing the Boyne and removing July 12th from the holiday calendars.  Hopefully not.

Stay tuned, as England and Scotland consider remaining or leaving the E.U.  should be interesting.

Meanwhile, Matty O'Doole has been becalmed in my mind and in the tale's critical part three.  His loyalty to the Chahta is being tested.

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